Abstract – Toon it up; bringing a smile to children
Abstract, a community service project organized annually by the Interact Club of Bishop’s College and the Interact Club of Royal College took place on the 29th of June at Royal College Sports Complex for the 13th Consecutive year. This year a carnival like event was organized for almost 200 orphans who were brought down from various orphanages and were treated to a string of fun games and activities under the Theme “Abstract- Toon it up”.
Click on the link to view the complete album – Abstract 2013 – Toon It Up
The day started off with the Orphans arriving in the morning at 8.00 am to a Sports Complex which was decorated as if to resemble a Toon Land with various cut outs of cartoon characters etc. While the children had there breakfast they were introduced to the concept and story of this Toon Land. This was followed by the Orphans being divided into groups and the fun and games began!
The groups had to play these unique games made for the enjoyment of the kids as well as for the development of various skills such as coordination and team work, with each game having a cartoon related story to the Toon Land Concept. After the games phase was finished the kids were given a chance to relax, eat lunch and dessert. After lunch time there were small fun activities which the kids could be a part of such as face painting and take photos with their favorite mascot while being allowed to play the games and play in the ground freely.
The Final phase of the day was a show consisting of various performances and finally an “open stage session” where the kids got the opportunity to perform on a voluntary basis to showcase their talents. This paved the way to some truly memorable performances with finally the show ending with all the children dancing freely to the Dj’s Music. Afterwards as a final gift the kids were given candy floss, loot bags with sweets, bubble blowers etc and left the Sports Complex at around 4.00pm with goodbyes and farewells going all around between the Orphans and Interactors, and thus ending what he hope was a special day to everyone who participated.