Quality Circle Leaders! – International Convention for Student Quality Circle Control 2013
The Interact Club of Royal College took part in the International Convention for Student Quality Circle Control Competition and Conference from the 27th of November 2013 to the 1st of December 2013 at City Montessori School, Lucknow, India. The group from Royal College consisted of 2 teachers and 13 students who took part in the ICSQCC. The competitions were the following.
1. Case study
2. Debating
3. Quality Quiz
4. Poster making
5. Collage and Slogan Making
This International Convention was graced by Hon. Minister and Ex Speaker Mr. Lokubandara as the chief guest and guests from different parts of the world were invited. As this is an International convention, representatives from different parts of the world representing different schools, institutions and organizations were also present.
The days of the event passed by as schools took part in competitions representing their respective organization and the nights were lit up by Cultural shows. Schools from Sri Lanka were also represented and the students of Royal College presented their competitions magnificently. Royal College was awarded a consolation award for the Collage and slogan making competition. Int. Naveed Hashim and Int. Nikila Weerakone participated in this competition representing College. The delegates arrived in Sri Lanka on the 1st of December 2013 and the award was presented to the Principal of Royal College.