Abstinence 2015
“Be the change you want to see in the world! This moment in history marks a beginning of a revolution, a revolution against drugs.” These were the powerful words that the prize giving of abstinence 2015 commenced on.
Abstinence 15” is a great initiative by the students of Royal College Non Addict Movement to create awareness amongst Sri Lankan youth on the dangers of being addicted to narcotics. They fulfilled this bold vision by launching a large scale – largely publicized competition series which went on for nearly two months.
The prize giving was held on the 20th of October at the Buddhist cultural center auditorium at Thummulla. The occasion was graced by the minister of Healt, Nutritio and Indigenous medicine DR. Rajith Senarathne, the Excecutive Director of ADIC Sri Lanka Mr.Pubudu Sumanasekara and the principal of Royal college Mr. Upali Gunesekara.
The awards were distributed under 3 age groups junior, intermediate and senior conducted at two levels inner and inter school and five categories Poetry, Essay, Artwork, Graphic Design and Short Movie Competition. Moreover Mahanama College were runners up overall and overall champions of Abstinence’15 were Visakha Vidyalaya.
The organizing committee headed by Ridma Pathirana ensured the event was not simply prize giving but a learning experience for the 300 odd students from all over Sri Lanka. Two junior Students of Royal College Rivi Wijesekara and Kinura Ranawake displayed an interactive dialogue on the dangers of drug addiction. Dr. Rajitha and Mr. Pubudu who are experienced to a great degree in the field of Anti addiction also had much to say during their addresses to the audience. The event ended on a lighter note and pleasant atmosphere with the crowd enjoying the sweet sound of band ‘Jays Legends’.