Thath Jith 2017 – Soul Expressions
Royal College is not just an institution that teaches students only of books, but it is a place where students are also taught of men and how to play the game. Thus, Thath Jith’17 was a golden opportunity for aspirant young royalists to showcase their talents. It was evident that all who gathered at the Navarangahala on the 12th of October were mesmerized by the magic put on display by those who performed on stage.
It was a long and tiring journey that made Thath Jith a reality. Efforts and dedication from everyone who took part all paid off for a night of extravagance that was worth watching. Royalists exceled in numerous dance styles from Eastern to Western, making it no ordinary dance show.
From the youngest to the eldest, all those who were a part of Thath Jith gave their very best to make the event a successful one. Royalists performing various dance items to melodious music were a treat for the crowd. The success experienced on the night will be a stepping stone and will pave the way for Thath Jith to be held annually in all its majesty.