Project ‘පාසල් සතිය’
The project ‘පාසල් සතිය’ organized by the Royal College Prefects’ Council was held on the 14th, 18th and 19th of June in College Premises for the students of Grades 6 to 11.
The පාසල් සතිය days were joyous and special days for the students as every teaching period was reduced by 5 minutes to give 40 minutes for the students to put effort to clean their own classrooms and do maintenance activities to keep the standard of their classroom. The objective of the project was to give a sense of responsibility and love to the students about their classroom. The young royalists enjoyed the program as evident by the images attached.
This initiative is part of Kaizen’24 led by the Deputy Head Prefect of 5S and Infrastructure Development Yuvin Wimalaratne and the 5S and Infrastructure Development Committee of the Perfects’ Council. පාසල් සතිය was a project done many years ago by the Ministry of Education Sri Lanka . පාසල් සතිය is done to give an opportunity for the students to prepare by the Kaizen Competitions begin. The Kaizen Competition chooses the most well maintained and disciplined classroom environment from each grade and awards the Kaizen Challenge Shield to the Overall Winner.