OBITUARY – D. A. Nadeepa Dharmasiri
It is with much regret that we inform the passing away of Junior Prefect and College Chorister, 14 year old D. A. Nadeepa Dharmasiri this morning at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital. Our hearts go out to his family at this sorrowful time.
His remains will lie in the Jayaratne VIP Parlour (1st Floor), Colombo 08 from 5.00 pm to 11.00 pm today (8th August) and until 3.00 pm tomorrow (9th August) and afterwards will be moved to his residence at 110/5, Chillaw Road, Negambo. The funeral will take take place at Negambo on Wednesday, the 10th August, at 3.00 pm.
Students who wish to attend the funeral are requested to be present at the College Main Gate at 12.00 pm on Wednesday in formal attire (white long sleeved shirt and College tie)