College Wushu Team shines once again: Provincial Champions
Western Province Wushu Champions for the Fourth Consecutive Year
Wushu at College seemd to be peaking in its golden era of victory, marking yet another spectavle as the Royal College team emerged Overall Champions at the 2015 Western Province Wushu Tournament held on the 30th of May at the Asoka Vidyalaya Indoor Stadium for the 4th consecutive year. The College team displayed some unparalleled performance to retain the title for the Fourth Consecutive year.
Among the talented players in the team, the outstanding display of talent by the following must be especially noted. Sithum Vidanagamage won 2 silver medals and a bronze medal in three events along with Mohomad Suleiman, who won was very 3 Gold medals. Januda Senevirathne and Mohomad Muzamil won a silver medal each, in the event they participated in and Nimeth Kauthuka added a Bronze medal to the list with his performance.
The Champion team consisted of the following individuals who:
Sithum Vidanagamage (Captain)
Mohomad Suleiman (Vice Captain)
Januda Senevirathne
Mohomad Muzammil
Saseenthran Rukshanth
Nimeth Kauthuka