The club year of the Commerce Society of Royal College began in January of 2021. We as the Commerce Society of Royal College have planned to organize and conduct the planned projects in a way to provide the maximum benefits and impact to the students of Royal College as well as the students of other schools in Sri Lanka.

The projects planned by us can be generally categorized under the educational avenue. However, the planned projects can be categorized furthermore as; competitions, magazine publications, forums, poster campaigns, workshops, and exam preparatory seminar series.

Due to the current pandemic situation, most of the projects planned by us have been decided to be conducted virtually. However, plans are made to conduct the projects physically since the pandemic situation is probable to be settled in the future.

For the first quarter of the club year, we plan to mark the beginning of the club year with “Duende’21” a joint project to be conducted together with the Commerce Society of S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia where we plan to invite two guest speakers to discuss the various career opportunities that are available in the modern world and to motivate the students to face the corporate world with confidence.

For the second quarter, we plan to organize the “Weekly Business News” project which is aimed at increasing the knowledge of students regarding current business affairs and the field of Commerce. And afterwards, we plan to organize “INNOVA’21” which is a business plan competition to be organized in the form of two phases. This project is expected to provide an opportunity to display the talents and entrepreneurial ideas of students and increase the documentation and presentation skills of students.

For the third quarter of the club year, we plan to organize “ENVISION’21” which is an international entrepreneurship program to be conducted for the first time by a commerce society in Sri Lanka, where we will invite an international business mentor and motivational speaker to discuss and enlighten the students by covering topics such as entrepreneurship, sales, and business mindset. We expect approximate participation of 100 to 200 students for this event. Furthermore, we plan to organize and publish the third edition of “The Proprietor”- Business Magazine which is planned to be conducted physically. However, plans are made to conduct this project online due to the uncertainty of the pandemic situation. We expect to increase the knowledge of students in the field of Commerce through this project and we plan to sell approximately 500 units if this project is conducted digitally. Furthermore, we plan to conduct “IMPERIA’21” in the form of two phases which include the Commerce Day Competitions and Commerce Day Celebrations under the theme of “The Search for a World of Virtual Opportunities”. We have made plans to conduct the competitions virtually. The Commerce Day celebrations are extended to the last quarter and we have made plans to conduct it both physically and virtually due to the uncertainty of the pandemic situation.

For the last quarter of the club year, we plan to organize “Lumos’21” which will be an E-Commerce workshop to be conducted for the first time which is expected to introduce the students to the aspects of digital marketing, E-Commerce, and dropshipping. Furthermore, we plan to organize the “G.C.E Advance Level Exam Seminar Series” to be held before the advanced level examination to support the Commerce section students to face the advanced level examination successfully. Afterwards, we plan to organize a virtual inner- school “Economics quiz competition” which will be conducted via the quizizz platform. This project is expected to engage and support the Commerce section students to enhance their knowledge in the subject of Economics. Furthermore, we plan to organize “INVICTA’21” which is a digital youth forum to be conducted for the second time where we plan to invite three leading and professional guest speakers to discuss topics such as Cryptocurrencies, Fintech, and E-Commerce, etc. This project is conducted under the theme of “A Path to the Future Corporate World”.

And in conclusion, we plan to conduct a range of highly successful projects that have a major impact on the students and we plan to conduct these projects by efficiently communicating and exchanging ideas with stakeholders which include all the members of the Commerce Society of Royal College including the top board, Teacher in Charge of the Commerce Society, Commerce section teachers, school administration and Commerce Societies across schools in Sri Lanka.