Get to know us

The Green Circle of Royal College was formed in 2009 by a few ‘Green Minded’ Royalists, guided by Mr. Aruna De Silva, the Warden of the Royal College Hostel as a successor to the Environmental Club. The Green Circle fulfilled a growing need to educate Royalists and make them conscious of prevalent environmental issues, and later its vision and mission evolved to encompass a wider scope. Since its humble beginnings, The Green Circle has gained much momentum, having successfully completed several projects such as the installation of solar panels and the Biogas unit within school. The Green Circle ultimately aims to provide insight about the environment and to create interest nationally.
General Information
Contact Information
Email Address
Meetings : Wednesday – During Interval, Main Hall
Office Bearers
Chairman – Thilina Dissanayake
Secretary – Malika Bandutilake
Treasurer – Archana Jayathilake
Teacher in charge – Mr. E.M.S.C.K. Deegala