Get to know us

Mother Sri Lanka is a process started under the guidance of his Excellency the president of Sri Lanka to inspire positive thinking about the country among all Sri Lankans. At a crucial period of her long history, when committed action for change by individuals can make a difference, the Mother Sri Lanka program is launched to promote activities for positive change. Mother Sri Lanka Society of Royal College was established in 2009 under the program of constitution Mother Sri Lanka societies of island wide schools. Since 2009 Mother Sri Lanka Society of Royal College took part in various valuable projects and was the bonze awarded team on the “Project RUN” island wide competition conducted by Mother Sri Lanka trust in 2013.
General Information
Contact Information
Email Address
Meetings : Tuesday – 10:10 – 10: 30, Mainhall
Office Bearers
Chairman – Savin Mahawatta
Secretary – Pulindu Karunarathne
Treasurer – Shamikara Madurawala
Teacher In-Charge – Mr. M.R. Undugoda