The year of 2020/2021 for Royal College Oriental Music Society began in January 2020. The club was formed in 2005 by two teachers and a handful of students who were inspired by the unique global language spread across the universe called “Music”. Since then, the society has thrived and been a pillar of strength for the college’s success stones in the musical path. Presently Royal College Oriental Music Society (RCOMS) is involved in promoting music as a subject among fellow schools via workshops and competitions as well. The Oriental Music Society became successful on several occasions by winning the all-island competitions for a consecutive eight years.
Due to the pandemic situation, we planned to carry out most of our projects via online platforms. We planned to start our year with “Way to the Stage”, an online music competition which you can show your musical skills and compete with others. As this an open competition, any student from any school can join with us. Next, for Vesak celebrations, we are holding “Bakthi Wandhana” the online bakthi gee ceremony. The students and the teachers of Royal College will be joining us to make this project a success. In our next project, “Oriental music question paper bank” we will be providing question papers for the students who are facing the oriental music question paper in the G.C.E.(A/L) and G.C.E.(O/L) exams in the near future. This will be helpful for them to acquire the past papers they need for their preparation for the exam during the pandemic situation.
Next up, we are willing to carry out the project “muschool”. This is an online quiz which will be holding for the members of the oriental music society, which helps to improve their knowledge in music theory and the history of the music.
As the 5th project for the year, we will be organizing “Unbound’21”. This is a webinar which explained about the process of song lyrics writing. Danith Sri, A leading artist in Sri Lanka and Manuranga Wijesekara, professional song lyrics writer will join us as the guest speakers for this project. And as the next project, we are holding the “Advance level music workshop” which was a major project of the oriental music society of Royal College from years before. This will be a great opportunity for the students who are studying oriental music for their A/L examination, to develop their knowledge about the subject and improve their musical skills. As the Oriental Music Society of Royal College, We will work for the betterment of the field of music within the school and beyond, and will bring young individuals with skill and talent to the light by making a better stage for them.