Get to know us

Founded in 1944 the Philatelic Club aims to promote the hobby of Philately within the College. Throughout the year the Club organizes various projects to increase interest among the student body and to give prominence to the College in the Philatelic Arena.

Temple of the tooth

The Sigiriya 8th Wonder of…

Stamp Collecting President

Endemic Birds of Sri Lanka

Lighthouses of Sri Lanka

Postal Service of Sri Lanka

Why do people love to…

The First Post Office of…

International Stamps and Designs

Postage Stamp Gum

Forest Conservation

Factors that make a stamp…

Evolution of Transportation

Early Postage Stamps

Commemorative Stamps

Commemoration of Our National Heroes.

Children’s Day Stamps in India

Ancient maps of Sri Lanka

The World’ First Stamp

The Mysteries of Delft Island

The most valuable Stamp in…

The longest stamp in the…

The longest stamp in the…

The Founder of Penny Black…

The first British Royal to…

Stamps with the theme chess

Pre-Independence Currency Note of Ceylon…

Philatelic fakes and forgeries

Guess who it is?

Grizzled giant squirrel (Ratufa macroura)

Errors Stamps

Origin of Ceylon Post and…

The World’s Highest Post Office

The World’s Smallest Postal Stamp

United Nations

The Post Office Tree

Commemorating the centenary of Scouting…

Philately in the times of…


Spices of Sri Lanka

The Biggest Postage Stamp in…


161st Anniversary of Ceylon’s…

70th Wedding Anniversary of Queen…

160th Anniversary of First Postage…
General Information
Contact Information
Email Address
Meetings : Every Thursdays behind the Nawarnghala from 1.30 pm onwards
Office Bearers
Chairman – Archana Jayathilake
Secretary – Haaziq hazeem
Treasurer – Venindu Kulathunga
Teacher In-Charge – Mrs. B.A.C.P. Basnayake