Get to know us

The Royal College Social Services League was born in 1921 under the paternity of Mr. Victor Perera, a teacher of college during the period of Major H.L. Reed. The Social Services League aims to encourage students to serve the needy within their community and to improve and uplift their standard of living. Across the year the Social Services League enacts projects to help the most vulnerable and undertakes other duties within the College such as guiding the traffic and managing the Bookshop.
General Information
Contact Information
Email Address
Meetings : Everyday – 7.20 a.m. near P&S Junior Gate
Office Bearers
Chairman – Nehan Karunaratne
Secretary – Dineth Wettamuny
Treasurer – Deveen Balasuriya
Teacher In-Charge – Mrs. Thakshila Dahanayake