- Thedal 2021
This generation is interested in Short Film making. So we wanted to give them recognition by organizing an Independent Short Film Competition in an International Level. This project was conducted online in social media.
- Quadronz
It is an open topic competition where Ladies’ College, St.Thomas College, Good Shephard Convent and Royal College complete for ‘Sivathambi Kedayam’. Five judges will be called upon to judge this competition, Only the winners and 5 special awards as follows will be awarded,
- Best Director
- Best Script Writer
- Best Music Director
- Best Outstanding Performer
- Best Stage Arrangement
- All Island Inter School Drama Competitions
The Tamil Dramatic Society of Royal College started the Inter School Drama Competitions were inaugurated in the year 1991 to shine light on the dramatic skills of students. In the year 2011 the committee took another step and organized the competition All Island level. The Committee travels to other districts and selected a school as a center and hosted the competitions. This project evolved in the upcoming years and in 2019 the committee organized the competitions in 11 districts.
- 61st Nadaha Vizha
The 61st Annual Nadaha Vizha is the most important project that the Tamil Dramatic Society organizes annually. Winners of the Inter-Grade, Inter-House, Inter-School competitions will be awarded at the event. It will also showcase the talents of the young Royalists in the filed of Drama and Theatre as well as other aesthetic fields.
- Navarasam 2021
This is a souvenir done for the Annual Nadaha Vizhha of Royal College Tamil Dramatic Society. We believe in developing in upholding the talent tat have been brought down by our fellow brothers, therefore we publish a souvenir for the Annual Nadaha Vizha to commend and appreciate the hard work put by the competitors.