160th Anniversary of First Postage Stamp of Sri Lanka
Subsequently to the issues of first postage stamp for the usage of general public in Great Britain on 6th May 1840 a Gradual revitalization was experienced in the postal services of that country following these other countries too Showed Massive Interest in the usage of postal stamp. Furthermore, the so-called postage-stamp usage expanded and grew worldwide and his situation prominent the British authorities to take effort to introduce and promulgate the habit of sing postage stamp that took place was India and it was in the year 1852 In Sri Lanka, they produce their own postage stamp for the first time and were issued 1st April 1858. It shows that there was keen interest among Postal Authorities as well as a general public of various Social Stride in this matter of postage stamp usage Mr. C. G. Fraser, the post master general of that period had been actively involved in this regard. It was aim ambition to overprint for the first time. the postage stamp of particular category Which was for the usage in England and a demand was placed in favour of Sri Lanka in the year 1854 to get down 60000 postage stamps in the denomination.
This Amount Payable as a postage charges on a postal goods article that were sent by sea mail and 70 stamps seals for the cancelling used stamps. This was the reason that made the British Authorities to endeavours on printing a stamp in a novel type. entirely own for Sri Lankans. The figure represent of postage stamp was a portrait of Queen Victoria. This was designed by the Edward Henry as the world first postage Stamp. This figure was engraved on printing plate William hung.
Since the Year 1948, when Sri Lankan was declared as independent state, a large spectrum of postage stamps clarifying information to several aspects of Sri Lankan was later issued. They served as descriptive instruments related to Sri Lankan History art life patrons of the nation aesthetics etc. thereby enlightened the world.
Thinal Amarathunga – 11J