When buying stamps, we should be careful. There are numerous instances where sellers sell stamps which are not worth for a higher price. To know the value of some stamps in our
collection, we need to have a knowledge about the factors which increase and decrease the value of stamps. The following are the ways to identify the value of stamps

Physical condition of the stamp

1.Judge the centering design

The more centered the stamp is inside the white perforation border the better the stamp

2.The gum of the stamp should have no skips or heavy creases for its value to be high.

3.Check for a stamp hinge

Factors that make a stamp valuable Philately - The Royal College

A stamp hinge is a small transparent piece of folded paper coated in a mild adhesive sometimes needed to attach into a stamp album. A stamp hinge will make a stamp less valuable.

4. Look at the neatness of the perforations

Perforations are tall holes punched along the edge of the stamp
If the perforation roll teeth and clean holes the value of the stamp increases

Factors that make a stamp valuable 3 Philately - The Royal College

5. Look for cancellation marks

If the stamp has been used it will be stamped with a cancellation mark. The heavier the
cancellation mark, the lower the value of the stamp. Stamps without a cancellation mark (mint stamps) are more valuable.

Factors that make a stamp valuable 4 Philately - The Royal College

6. Evaluate the colouring

A stamp design should be bright and vibrant. If the stamp has a faded colour, which is caused by diet, artificial light etc. the value is less.

7. Leave the stamp on its envelope if it’s still attached.

By keeping the stamp like this it reduces the chance of the stamp becoming damaged.

8. Look at the year the stamp was issued the older the more valuable a stamp becomes.

You can determine whether the stamp is old or not by historical events or figures and various other methods

9. Check the rarity of the stamp

In 1861 Benjamin Franklin old stamp isn’t very valuable because about 150 million of them were produced. Therefore, a rare stamp is more valuable.

Factors that make a stamp valuable 1 Philately - The Royal College

10. Errors in a stamp increases the stamp value.

Factors that make a stamp valuable 2 Philately - The Royal College

11. Stamps with letters punched into the stamp

These sorts of stamps are called per fines. It really depends on what the letters stand for date they were printed. Generally, collectors usually avoid them

12. Old stamps with postage marks are worth much more when they are mint

If it is hard for you to determine the proper value when you are buying an expensive stamp
a) Seek the advice of experts
b) Look in a stamp referral book (catalogue)
c)Search in a website