Our College
God gave us Royal from of old
And adorned her panels with glory,
He gave her stalwarts, strong and bold
To shine in song and story.
In this great province of Ceylon
Stands Royal’s situation,
Its noble walls, its stately halls
Compel our admirations
The worthy Mr. Corea is great,
A really fine Head Master
And through his studies, long and late,
Success comes fast and faster.
Long flourish Royal, may she stand
Erect and strong for ever
And may her sons on every band
Be spurred to high endeavour.
No Royalist can read without thrill
Of Royal’s advancing glory,
And may her gallant victories still
Be told in song and story
R. S.
Royal College Magazine
Mid – Summer Term

Founders, Headmasters & Principals
Illuminating the way for countless lives, these gentlemen were at the forefront of leading the institution to greatness. Sir Robert Wilmot Horton integrated the principles of his alma mater into the Colombo Academy, and thus the school was modeled upon the ideals of Eton. Similarly, each eminent luminary who took its reigns left its mark upon the foundation of the College, molding it into what it is today.
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In Memoriam
Having opened its gates nearly two centuries ago, the Royal College has had to endure its fair share of wars. Be it the ‘War to end all Wars’, the ‘Second World War’ or the 30 years of civil war within Sri Lanka, the College has given birth to countless decorated soldiers who have given life and limb for their country to lead the charge towards victory and provide us all with the blessing of peace.
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Owing to the unwavering love for the College embedded in each Royalist’s heart, accounts of nearly all occasions of note have been passed down through generations in meticulous detail. As such, the Royal College Archives is host to a near inconceivable amount of historic documents and memorabilia relating to The Royal College and The Royal College Preparatory School. Stepping foot over its threshold is akin to walking through the sands of time; the experience continues to ensure the legacy of this institution is never forgotten.