My Alma Mater
I hope I’ll never live to see some day,
My dear school Royal College pass away,
For six score years my Alma Mater Stood
Unsullied, for Sri Lanka’s greater good,
Founded on high traditions sound as oak,
By men like Harward, Hartley, Reed and Boake;
Great “heads” they were, each one in his own way,
Who live the words “Disce Aut Discede”,
That we to Education may return
As much or more than we once strove to learn.
The names of Vollenhoven, Vanderwall,
Paulusz, Peiris, Roberts, Jansz recall
The golden age of teachers – now no more,
I fear for those who yet to be born.
Vandals may strive to sack our seat of learning,
And even raze it to the ground by burning,
But Royal’s spirit never can grow cold,
Her blood is blue, her heart is solid gold
Royal College Magazine
April – 1956

Ethnic Harmony
The College serves as a welcoming environment for a multitude of ethnicities. Identities comprising of different backgrounds and varying cultural affiliations mingle and co-exist within the school. Embracing and celebrating our differences has been key to a united community.
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The mottos serve as words of wisdom to live by for Royalists young and old. They are preserved not merely because of historical significance, but because the phrases act as guiding principles when navigating the journey of life.
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The College Song
‘School of Our Fathers’ is the school song of the Royal College. It is sung at the start of every school day except for Monday, and on other important occasions. First performed by the Royal College Choir, this composition by Principal H.L. Reed has inspired many young Royalists.
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Coat of Arms
Embedded just above the heart of all young Royalists, the Royal College coat of arms, with all of its intricate elements and components, is a testament to all the history and values that the College holds dear.
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The College Flag
As a symbol that is both easily recognizable to all who know of the Royal College and is a representation of the spirit and heart of all who are blanketed by its banner, the Royal College flag has long been an icon that flies high where the College spirit runs true.
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The House System
By sorting each youth into one of the 5 houses named after the legacies left behind by the College’s finest leaders, the house system aims to fuel a healthy rivalry that will push each student towards achieving their maximum potential, whilst fostering an unmatched fraternal bond that will last throughout each youth’s school life.
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Battle of the Blues


General Assembly