The core purpose of the Royal College in the viewpoint of a secular public school is being able to provide an upbringing to students from all walks of life. This purpose has been carried out at the College over its many decades of existence. The culture in the school instills in its students the understanding that you may enter the College from whatever society you belong to, but you will leave the school as a Royalist; equal to all the brothers that walked the path to man’s estate along with you.
The Royal College has active student movements for Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics & Christians which give each ethnic group a medium to build an understanding among their societies as well as the ones that surround them. Activities done by these movements include, but are not limited to, Sil Observance, Carol Service, Deepavali Celebrations and Islamic Day. Each event or festivity is celebrated by their respective religion, is enjoyed by all the students and serves to foster a brotherhood unbound by race or creed.

In addition to these, these societies conduct various events within and outside the school to unify all ethnic groups and promote unity among all people, in turn making the Royal College a flourishing multi – ethnic institution.