The Annual General Assembly of the Royal College, which in the modern-day usually takes place on the day prior to the big match, is possibly the largest gathering of students in the College. Students gather at the Main Grounds in front of the J.R. Jayawardena Pavilion, many with waving flags. It is an extremely important event in our annual calendar, as a set of symbolic functions of utmost importance is conducted on this day. The General Assembly is where the principal addresses the boys and announces the future plans for the College. It is where the next Prefects’ Council and its Top Board is formally appointed.

There are six important functions that are termed as traditions of the General Assembly in the present day. They are, in chronological order,
- Captains and Vice Captains of all Sports are introduced to the student population.
- The Senior Prefects are given their badges and the Top Board for the respective year is formally appointed.
- The Principal’s Speech.
- The Speech made by the newly appointed Head Prefect.
- The first-ever publication of that year’s Big Match souvenir is presented to the Principal.
- The First XI Cricket team is announced.

In the early days, the General Assembly was held in the College Main Hall. A chief guest was present, and the newly appointed Prefects’ Council, which was around 20 in number at the time, would sit with the higher administration and chief guest on the stage. Front rows of the audience were dedicated to the teachers, and the students were seated thereafter. While this rendition cannot be continued due to obvious logistical reasons, the modern General Assembly inherits some characteristics from this early approach, such as the Principal’s annual speech, appointments of the new Prefects’ Top Board, and the announcements of new Captains and Vice Captains.