For the teenage schoolboy, the biggest thrill is the flaunting of the College Flag. At every school sporting encounter, the College Flag is carried as a display of one’s loyalty to the school. The young “smiling rascal” displaying the College Flags keeps up the College spirits. The earliest mention of the College Flag is at the Prize Giving in the early 1900s mainly as decorations for the Prize Giving. There is no document of a College Flag prior to 1904.
In the Colonial era, all though the College Colours existed, the Union Jack had to be carried by the boys of Royal College in any march past as at the Empire Day Games.

Not much flag waving is reported in the earliest period when cricket was introduced. In later years flags were seen sticking out of bullock carts parading around on Big Match Days. Later, on bicycles, still later on cars and finally from buses and even lorries. The College Flag is an essential item of student equipment for any inter collegiate sporting event.

In his Prize Day speech in 1924 Acting Principal Sampson said,
“As a part of the same scheme, I have had the College Flag embroidered with the College Crest. I hope that the Flag will serve as the symbol of devotion owed every Royalist past and present to his school. A school that is worth anything must impress in its boys a sense of loyalty and devotion and I hope this Flag will help to produce in all Royal College Boys a sense of loyalty to their College, keep their Flag flying as the proud symbol of the best School in Ceylon.”