Get to know us

The Art Circle of Royal College has been one of the most active societies of Royal College since 1995. It is also one of the largest clubs in the school, with a member base of over 1000 students. This society has always played a main role in polishing the aesthetic talents of not only Royalists but also of Young students from all over the island. The main duty of those at the Art Circle is to develop the student’s talents to an extent of being recognized by other people in the society. Also, the Art Circle works to pave a path for those talented students who wish to carry out their skills in the future.
Chithra Akura
Art Star Competition
General Information
Contact Information
Email Address
Meetings : Tuesday – 1.30P.M. to 3.00P.M. (via Zoom)
Office Bearers
Chairman – Lakindu Vinduwara
Secretary – Denuwan Wishwasarana
Treasurer – Anuhas Mawella
Teacher in-charge – Mr. Amitha Panideniya